Click here for a visual tour of the SE/30!

I found that this Macintosh SE/30 had an 80MB harddrive in it. From it says it came with a 60MB harddrive, so either it was ordered as an upgrade or there was an option when you bought it if you wanted more harddrive space. Here is a chart from LowEndMac that shows all the details of compact macs.

For even more fun yet I thought how about plugging my old harddrive from my Performa 450 into this. I thought it should work because they were both on System 7. Also, the hard drives were both the same make, just different models.

(The performa harddrive with 120MB)

Unfortunately I got the dreaded unlocatable system disk icon. The disk with the big question mark on it. Sigh...

After that I tried switching back to the other hard drive to make sure that the computer still worked and that nothing had gone wrong.

(Since this was the first time I disected a computer it was a relief to see it still worked)

It was quite the entertaining experience for me. So far I have added software so taht it is able to surf the internet and send faxes with teleport globalfax. I plan to get the OS up as high as i can 7.5.5 or 8.1 if I can from the articles on the web. A special thanks goes out to for all of the advice and information they had on their website. Also to Gerald Wilson for the reminding me of the precautions that should be taken when handling the CRT monitor.

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